.: Heading Style : H1
This is my second template designed for OSWD, and it is definately my favourite.
I steered away from the traditional design of the navigation bar on the left-hand
side and placed it on the right. I reckon this makes it more appealing and distracts
less from the content, whilst still providing the vital accessability of the site.
Why Purple? Well originally i designed it for my school's YearBook site which i
was developing but scraped it when i realised it would take me years to learn enough php
programming to build a secure site. So I kept to the school colours (well one of the three).
The header image is easily changed to match your sites theme but the simple starburst effect
seems to work quite well. If you have any questions about this site then why not visit my
http://www.angelfire.com/blog/doublec Where you can download previous templates.
The XHTML is very simple and schematic and style definitions are provided for most tags but
its easy enough to add to the CSS file without conflictions. Enjoy this template and
feel free (but not obliged) to leave a link to my home page in the footer. Thank You.
.: Heading Style: H2 ~ An Example Paragraph
How To Modify This Site
It is relatively easy to modify this site including changing the gradient
image at the bottom of boxes and the header background by re-writing over the existing
graphics. Ensure that replacement images are of the same size. Additional content boxes can
be added tot he right hand side by using the <div class="box"></div>. If the
links in the right hand boxes are enclosed within <p>...</p> tags then they
will appear without the arrows (third box down), and if they aren't they will appear with the
grey arrows (see top box). The images for these arrows can be modified.
.: Heading Style: H3 ~ An Example Form
To style a form element in keeping with this template design, simply add the class="text". This should work for all text areas, input boxes etc. To style buttons simply add class="button" and they will adopt a similar style. I haven't shown an example of this because it wont validate with it, but trust me, it is there.
.: Guest Article
OSWD is the best source of open source web templates, and i'm proud to be a contributor. They are helping to make the web a better, standards complient place. OSWD is the best source of open source web templates, and i'm proud to be a contributor. They are helping to make the web a better, standards complient place. OSWD is the best source of open source web templates, and i'm proud to be a contributor. They are helping to make the web a better, standards complient place. OSWD is the best source of open source web templates, and i'm proud to be a contributor. They are helping to make the web a better, standards complient place.
OSWD is the best source of open source web templates, and i'm proud to be a contributor. They are helping to make the web a better, standards complient place. OSWD is the best source of open source web templates, and i'm proud to be a contributor. They are helping to make the web a better, standards complient place. OSWD is the best source of open source web templates, and i'm proud to be a contributor. They are helping to make the web a better, standards complient place. OSWD is the best source of open source web templates, and i'm proud to be a contributor. They are helping to make the web a better, standards complient place.
OSWD is the best source of open source web templates, and i'm proud to be a contributor. They are helping to make the web a better, standards complient place. OSWD is the best source of open source web templates, and i'm proud to be a contributor. They are helping to make the web a better, standards complient place.